Friday, October 5, 2012


Well, I’m a Geneablogger!  Indiana Ties is growing.  I was notified that this blog is now on the blog roll at, a community of bloggers who share an interest in researching family history and in helping others in that endeavor. I am very pleased to be a part of this group.  I’m looking forward to branching out and making new friends.The Indiana Ties of this Weber Kuhn family are represented in this photo of a gathering

First, I want to say that I’m grateful to Thomas MacEntee for the website and to the many bloggers who have already provided me with genea-enjoyment.  I have actually felt that I was participating with the geneabloggers for the last two years or so by soaking up knowledge from many engaging and informative posts before I started this blog. In fact, I planned to have a list of the genealogy blogs that I read most often as a part of this site, to share the inspiration, research tips and family connections.  I think it’s time.

So, here we go.  My “Blog List” starts with ten of my favorites.  But there are definitely more to be added. I won’t try to explain each of these blogs, but I do say they are all good reading, no matter your level of family history sleuthing. They cover quite a variety of topics, each with a special slant.

I thank these bloggers for assisting me in moving along in this genealogy adventure. Watch for the link list to grow at the left over time:

  • DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog

  • Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter

  • GeneaBloggers

  • Genealogy Tip of the Day

  • Genea-Musings

  • Gena's Genealogy

  • Indiana Genealogical Society Blog

  • IndyGenealogy

  • Midwestern Microhistory: A Genealogy Blog

  • Moultrie Creek Gazette

    Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties.  I hope you find something of interest and come back often.

  •  Click here if you would like to go to the blog roll at the geneabloggers website.

  • 1 comment:

    1. Nancy, I just found your blog via GeneaBloggers. And yes, I'd have to agree with you that GeneaBloggers is a wonderful association of like minded researchers and writers. I'm most thankful to Thomas MacEntee for what he's done to enable us to "virtually" assemble.

      I've been researching some family lines of my own that have "Indiana Ties" so I'll be looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    Hi: Your own stories or suggestions are welcome here any time. Thanks for being a part of Indiana Ties.