The Siegbert line in this family is from Westphalia, Germany, a region in northwestern Germany now known as North Rhine-Westphalia. My third great grandmother, Anna Margaretha Elizabeth Siegbert
Anna Margaretha married Gerhard Heinrich Beerman on 4 May 1811 when she was 24 years old. The church record on the right is from the St. Kalixtus Catholic Church in Riesenbeck, Germany, located about one mile from Bergeshovede. Note the red arrow that’s pointing to the 1811 marriage record. This listing also provides the birth of Anna Margaretha Elizabeth Siegbert as 24 December 1786.
On this same page, in the 1810 marriage records on the top half, you will see another Siegbert marriage: Mar. Kath. Siegbert marries Bern. Wilh. Trickeler on April 6 of that year. I am wondering if this is our Anna’s sister; and I anticipate answering the question in time.
The church record posted here and others ranging from 1610 through 1867 were microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints and are made available for anyone to view. These particular church records are on Katholische Kirche Bergeshövede (Riesenbeck), microfilm #841522. Other baptism, marriage and death records from the St. Kalixtus Catholic Church are on microfilms #841521, 841523, 842570, 842569 that are available on loan through Family History Centers throughout the United States. My plans are to dig further for more Siegberts as time permits.
The ancestry from me to this third great grandmother is outlined in this graph below:
I’ll be updating the Siegbert family information here on this website as the details become clear. But, meanwhile, if there are those sharing this ancestor who would like to discuss our family, let me know. Leave me a comment below or email me at nancyhurley1 at gmail dotcom.
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