What should be in a family treasure chest? Of course, it would contain items of value in various ways from a variety of people. These treasures should bring thoughts of a person or an event, or maybe a tradition of some kind. Not necessarily monumental memories of monumental events. Just those little pieces that give the color and life to our stories. And there would be some additions that are more important to some than others. Overall, the ingredients of this treasure chest when gathered together would paint a family story.
I have a few items already in our family's treasure chest here on Indiana Ties. (Click on Treasure Chest Thursday in the left column to see them.) Now, it's time to fill it some more.

My special ingredient to add to the treasure chest today is a quilt made for me by Aunt Peg, (Margaret Weber Stull, daughter of Harry Lawrence Weber and Otillia "Tillie" Kuhn). I remember clearly the day she surprised me with this lovely creation. I was visiting at her

house so that she could look over the quilt squares made with family heritage photos that I put together. She adds them to the family's signature blocks to create our family reunion quilt. It's so beautiful how she puts it all together. I have absolutely no quilting knowledge. Aunt Peg is an expert. For me, to be able to have some small part in these family heirlooms is a joy.
Well anyway, about two years ago she decided that she would make me a quilt as a thank you. I was flabbergasted when she presented me with this handmade piece. The quilt is made of denim squares, some of them she has salvaged from old blue jeans. Over the years Peg has used this denim for various quilts and I love the idea. To complete this gift she added a personal message on the back with her signature.
I will always love this quilt and the memories that are a part of it.
It's priceless.
I'm making plans for the Indiana Ties website for 2015 that involve having more fun with the family. Wouldn't it be great to reach 100 special family treasures in this treasure chest? Glad you agree.

I've started already looking more closely for those important pieces in my boxes and shelves. And I have a few ideas. But the fun would really begin with stuff I don't know about yet. So here we go cousins! Do you have something that should go inside? Maybe it's a photo of a favorite vacation, or a car that your dad restored or your son's prize-winning soap box derby entry. Send me a photo. What's the story behind it? Just include a few words that give the background and show the value to you. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate or museum quality. Just valuable to you. There's room in this virtual chest for all our family treasures.
Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties.
copyright © Nancy Niehaus Hurley
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