Why U Can't Find Your Ancestors
Misspeld Knames — A Commun Probblem for Reeserchors
One of the suggestions in the article is to think of all the ways that your ancestor’s surname might have been spelled (or indexed) and make yourself a list to use in doing thorough research. So, I tried a mind workout with a few of my ancestor names. How have I found them in the past, or how could I imagine they might be hiding away in those old records? Here goes:
Albers could be: Aulbers, Ahlbers, Allbers, Albeers, Ulbers
Birkenstock could be: Biergenstock, Beerginstock, Birgenstok, Birkenstog
Keen could be: Kihn, Kien, Kean, Keene
Kraut could be: Krout, Krote, Kraus
Niehaus could be: Niehues, Niehus, Neehouse, Nihus
Weber could be: Webber, Wieber, Veber
What kind of name variations could you develop? Have any suggestions for me? I hope this helps you in thinking differently of your family and leads to finding some of those elusive ones.
Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties,
Copyright © 2016 Nancy Niehaus Hurley
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